North State Psychotherapist wants changes to Megan’s Law

Dawn Horwitz-Person is a Sex Offender Treatment Specialist in Chico. She deals with some of the most violent and dangerous convicted sex offenders in the north state. She has also been featured on “Oprah,” and “Anderson Cooper 360.” Oprah Winfrey flew to Chico in 2010 to meet with Horwitz-Person and four of her patients, who openly discussed how and why they chose their victims.
Horwitz-Person is one of many California Phycho-therapists hoping for changes to the California Department of Justice’s sex offender registry Megan’s Law, because she says it is misleading. Full Article

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I like Dawn Horwitz-Person, I hope officials are listening here in the stupid state and all across the country; she is just one more expert that is blowing the lid off of the stranger danger myth and the futility of Megan’s law that most politicions love and the public loves to believe. She knows and is saying publicly that the vast majority of these cases happen the home or with someone that is known and trusted, not by a stranger with a red dot on a useless/worthless web site.

Dawn Horwitz-Person is courageous for publicly speaking up and getting the truth out, and the same goes for the four men who broke their anonymity and went on TV to help educate parents, and hopefully the public. It is a brave thing they have done. And Opra?!? Well, she is just a variant of the media mogul that knows sex sells and boost’s ratings, she also made it sound like a class on “how to molest a child – 101”; but still, I’m greatful she did this because even though she seemed to get a vicarious pleasure from asking the four men every single detail of the actual act they comitted, at least the public has the chance hear the reality of who poses the real danger to kids; and it’s not people on the registry; that’s for sure, and obvious.

The article it’s self gives the information that will be the most useful in opening the eyes of the obstinate masses of the need and moral obligation to reform the plethora of laws we are oppressed with and help bring in a tiered registry system instead of the one size fits all one we have now.

“Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin”.

Bob Dylan; “The Times They Are A Changin”

Thumbs up, a clear thinker who somewhere along the line got a dose of reality!

Now if we can only get Nancy Grace on board.

We need to get her involved with carsol NOW if she isn’t already.